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Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers Portland

A brain injury can have life-long consequences and will require significant financial resources for ongoing medical treatment.

Unlike other types of injuries, there’s no recovery from brain damage, meaning a patient may continue to require care indefinitely.

Finding the means to care for a person with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be difficult. However, if you suffered a TBI and a negligent person caused your accident, our traumatic brain injury lawyers in Portland at Bridge City Law can help.

Not only can there be a devastating financial impact from a TBI, but the burden and responsibility on family and friends can be overwhelming. Our attorneys have experience with TBI’s and can help you with getting the help and support you need.

Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Portland at Bridge City Law

Because a brain injury case can be very complex, obtaining a successful outcome for your case requires extensive knowledge and a special skill set that few lawyers possess.

At Bridge City Law, our legal team is highly experienced in cases that involve traumatic brain injuries.

We understand the special support and care a person involved in a TBI accident and their family requires to live a meaningful life.

We also understand how to build a persuasive and strong case that can maximize the compensation you receive.

Our firm has built a reputation for the compassion, care, attention, and high-quality services we offer each client.

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Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers Portland

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When You’ve Been Injured:

  • We Are Available To You 24/7
  • There is NO FEE OR OBLIGATION for An Initial Consultation
  • You Don’t Pay a Fee Until We Successfully Settle Your Case
  • We Are Experienced, Skilled, Responsive And Have Handled Thousands Of Cases
  • We Take A Compassionate Approach To Personal Injury Law
  • We Know How To Negotiate To Maximize Results


With cases that involve a TBI, the attorneys at Bridge City Law will work closely with a client’s treating physicians to understand the extent of their injuries and their effects. We will also bring in medical specialists, such as neuropsychologists and neurologists, to ensure a client has undergone a thorough evaluation that will allow us to consider how the traumatic brain injury impacts each aspect of their life and their future.

By partnering with economists, life care planners, rehabilitation specialists, vocational specialists, and speech therapists, all of which are trained to identify the additional services and care a client will need in the future, we are able to itemize the costs of a traumatic brain injury in a way that an insurance company or judge and jury can understand.

Because an insurance adjuster is likely to challenge the amount of compensation we request on behalf of our client for a traumatic brain injury, we will work with these experts to create a claim that is evidence-based and specific.

Our law firm will help a person who has suffered a traumatic brain injury accident recover compensation for the following damages:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Lost wages
  • Permanent disability
  • Modifications made to the home and/or vehicle
  • Assistive medical devices
  • Quality of life services for long-term disability
  • Past and future medical treatment

Having the financial resources to take care of yourself and your family after a traumatic brain injury accident can drastically change the course of your life.

Our legal team will take every step to ensure you’re taken care of.

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Lost wages
  • Permanent disability
  • Modifications made to the home and/or vehicle
  • Assistive medical devices
  • Quality of life services for long-term disability
  • Past and future medical treatment

Having the financial resources to take care of yourself and your family after a traumatic brain injury accident can drastically change the course of your life.

Our legal team will take every step to ensure you’re taken care of.


And How is it Caused?

A traumatic brain injury is a jolt or a blow to the head or a type of penetrating head injury that disrupts brain function. This type of injury can range from mild to severe and can result in short or long-term issues with independent function, emotional regulation, and can cause executive dysfunction. In some cases, this can result in a loved one who requires constant care, supervision, and guidance, throughout the day and night.

Not every brain injury is classified as a traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury is commonly linked to a traumatic event.

If you suffered a TBI due to the intentional actions or negligent actions of another person or entity, you have the right to seek compensation for your medical expenses and other damages. The experienced personal injury lawyers at Bridge City Law can help.

Following are some of the most common scenarios caused by intentional actions or negligent actions that can result in a traumatic brain injury:

Slip and Falls

A traumatic brain injury is often the result of a trip and fall or slip and fall from a moderate height. Whether you tripped on uneven pavement or slipped on spilled liquid at a grocery store, you may have grounds for a premises liability claim that can include damages for a traumatic brain injury.

Auto Accident While at Work

Individuals that work in certain professions are more likely to sustain a TBI from an auto accident while at work. If you sustained a traumatic brain injury at work, and your employer or a third party may have been at fault, we can help you pursue a third-party liability lawsuit.


The severity of a brain injury can impact the compensation you’re eligible to receive since the more severe a TBI is, the more care that’s required, which results in significantly higher medical costs and possible round-the-clock care.

The severity of a TBI is classified based on how long the person was unconscious and whether their mental state or memory was affected, in addition to the results of a variety of neuroimaging tests following the accident.

If a person suffers a brain injury, immediate treatment and monitoring may mitigate the symptoms and the long-term effects of the injury.

If a person suffers a mild traumatic brain injury, they can recover consciousness within thirty minutes and may return to a normal frame of mind within a twenty-four-hour period.

While the brain is able to bounce back from a concussion, several concussions can result in more serious injuries and can include lasting brain damage.

A moderate to severe traumatic brain injury is characterized by a loss of consciousness that exceeds half an hour and includes lasting symptoms. While a patient with this type of injury may be able to somewhat recover with the help of rehabilitative therapy, there’s no guarantee of significant improvement, and a physician is not able to identify when a patient is likely to regain certain functions.

A moderate to severe traumatic brain injury can cause symptoms including:

  • Panic attacks
  • Muscle spasms
  • Emotional distress
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Chronic pain
  • Severe migraines or headaches
  • Convulsions and seizures
  • Extended unconsciousness
  • Sensory changes
  • Loss of vision or vision changes
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of bladder/bowel control
  • Difficulty or inability to speak
  • Trouble concentrating and understanding
  • Agitation, restlessness, or confusion
  • Memory loss and/or amnesia
  • Panic attacks
  • Muscle spasms
  • Emotional distress
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Chronic pain
  • Severe migraines or headaches
  • Convulsions and seizures
  • Extended unconsciousness
  • Sensory changes
  • Loss of vision or vision changes
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of bladder/bowel control
  • Difficulty or inability to speak
  • Trouble concentrating and understanding
  • Agitation, restlessness, or confusion
  • Memory loss and/or amnesia
Consultation Mtg (1)

A patient with a moderate TBI may display fewer symptoms and will have a better chance of recovering from these injuries; however, even a moderate traumatic brain injury can prevent someone from returning to work or living their life the same as they did before the accident.

Moderate TBIs can also be confusing to providers, your employer, friends, and family. This is true because moderate TBIs are not as readily obvious to the average person. This can cause others to question you as to why you are having ongoing problems. You “look” fine, so you “should be” fine.


Different From Other Brain Injuries?

This type of brain injury differs from other brain injuries caused by a degenerative condition or disease in that it results from some sort of trauma.

Any type of trauma to the head, such as a penetration of the skull by a foreign object, a blow to the head, or a collision, can result in a brain injury.

A severe traumatic brain injury can significantly impact a person’s mental capacity, leaving the person unable to maintain employment or maintain an independent lifestyle.

Unfortunately, the mental impact of the injury often leaves the person involved in a TBI accident in a state that’s unrecognizable from their former self.

Any type of trauma to the head, such as a penetration of the skull by a foreign object, a blow to the head, or a collision, can result in a brain injury.

A severe traumatic brain injury can significantly impact a person’s mental capacity, leaving the person unable to maintain employment or maintain an independent lifestyle.

Unfortunately, the mental impact of the injury often leaves the person involved in a TBI accident in a state that’s unrecognizable from their former self.


The TBI attorneys at Bridge City Law will work with experts in their field, including medical professionals and accident reconstructionists, to establish liability.

Determining liability depends in part on the cause of the accident. In some cases, the cause of the accident can play a role in the outcome of a claim. Once liability has been established, our attorneys can proceed on your behalf by filing a claim for compensation.

The Legal Team at Bridge City Law


And the Compensation You Deserve

If you or a loved one has sustained a traumatic brain injury due to the negligent actions of another person or entity, you may be entitled to compensation.

When you meet with one of our top traumatic brain injury lawyers in Portland, we’ll listen carefully to your story about the accident, we’ll walk you through the personal injury claims process, explain your legal rights and options, and discuss the steps we’ll take to ensure that you get the care you need and the compensation you deserve for your injuries and other losses so that you can take care of yourself and your family.

We genuinely care about our clients and want you to know that we are here for you and that your case will be in the best of hands.

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